Emu Oil Uses – What is the Healing Timeline of a Tattoo?

If you have done your research on emu oils, then you have come across all manner of emu oil uses. The oil is considered to be a magical cure for several reasons. If you recently got a tattoo, here are the many ways the oil can help with a speedy healing.

The many emu oil uses can be attributed to the oil’s molecular composition. The oil is rich in Omega 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. These are all essential fatty acids that are only got from the food we eat since the body does not manufacture them by itself. The essential fatty acids help create a breathable protective barrier on the skin, keep the skin moisturized, helps with the generation of new skin cells, and improve the immune system. Another benefit is that emu oil is absorbed easily through the skin layers. Furthermore, pure emu oil has no synthetic additives, it is unscented and offers amazing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The above are the main reasons why emu oils are the perfect companion for tattoo aftercare. You must, however, use the oil regularly and only stick with pure emu oil. Now that you understand the benefits of this oil let’s look at the tattoo healing timeline.

Stage one

After getting a tattoo, the things you will notice in stage one include weeping, oozing and redness in the tattooed area. You should keep the area clean and clear the fluid several times daily. The anti-inflammatory properties of emu oil will reduce redness and ease the pain. Make sure you apply the oil several times a day. The oozing and weeping will have stopped within seven days. If it doesn’t, you should see a doctor.

Stage two

From day 7 to 14, new skin will start to grow over the tattoo. During this period, the area can be very itchy. Keeping the area moisturized will help reduce itching. The best thing is that emu oil will speed up the growth of new skin cells and lock in moisture while maintaining a breathable barrier.

Stage three

Dead skin will start to peel from week 2 to 3. Your focus at this stage should be on keeping the area moisturized. You also need to protect it from direct sunlight. Emu oil will help the skin peel easily and offer UV protection.

Stage four

This stage is a breeze. You should, however, keep in mind that it might take months before the tattoo heals completely.

Keeping the area clean and applying emu oils frequently is the key to speedy healing. Only use oil from reputable manufacturers and buy from a reputable distributor.

Emu Oil Uses


Why You Should Use Emu Oil for Cholesterol

If you are health conscious, you are probably aware of all the health problems that are brought about by having high cholesterol. Diseases tied to high cholesterol include stroke, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and peripheral arterial disease. Considering these diseases can be fatal, keeping your cholesterol levels in check is of utmost importance. There are several things you can do to keep your cholesterol in check but did you know you can use emu oil for cholesterol?

What is cholesterol?

Before we look at why you should use emu oil for cholesterol, let’s first take a look at what cholesterol is. This is a fatty substance that is found in the blood. The majority of cholesterol is produced by the body while the rest is found in the foods we consume. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered ‘good cholesterol’ whereas low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is ‘bad cholesterol’. LDL is the cholesterol that ends up clogging the arteries and leading to myriad diseases including stroke and heart attack.

If you are over the age of 45, it is highly recommended to get your cholesterol levels checked frequently. Lifestyle changes can help keep cholesterol levels in check. The lifestyle changes may include at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity and eating healthier diets that include lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, lean meat, fish, seeds and nuts. You need to cut back on fat dairy products and stay away from saturated and trans fats which are in fried and processed foods.

How does emu oil help?

Now back to the main subject, adding emu oil to your diet can actually help keep your cholesterol levels in check. This is because emu oils are packed with polyunsaturated fats. This includes Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. The oil is also rich in mono-saturated fats (Omega 9 fatty acids). These ingredients have been found to have remarkable results in maintaining the right balance of cholesterol in the body. The regular use of pure emu oil in your diet will lower the bad cholesterol while at the same time increasing the levels of good cholesterol.

An important point to remember is that the body doesn’t produce Omega 3 and 6. We get these polyunsaturated fats from food. You can take emu oil capsules to supplement these polyunsaturated fats.

The impact of emu oils on cholesterol levels has been tested. A 2004 study by the University of Massachusetts confirmed the benefits of taking these oils to lower LDL and increase HDL. All in all, for you to get the best results, you must stick to pure emu oils from reputable manufacturers.

Emu Oil for Cholesterol


Which are the Best Emu Oil Uses?

Today, it is not uncommon to find skincare products that contain emu oils. This is because more and more people are aware of the many benefits of the regular use of this product. But which exactly are the best emu oil uses? If you are looking for a solid reason for you to start using emu oil, here are some of the best uses.

Reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks

In the past, if you had stretch marks or scars, you had to find a way to put up with them. Today there are so many treatments you can use to treat this problem. If what you need is a noninvasive option, using emu oil will be perfect. The main emu oil uses are to improve the appearance of the skin. When applied on the skin, the oil penetrates deep through the skin layers to deliver its benefits. The oil triggers the production of new skin cells which over time helps diminish both scars and stretch marks. 

If you have undergone a weight change, surgery, pregnancy or personal injury, using emu oil will help restore the natural look of your skin. the Omega 3, 6 and 9 that are contained in emu oil help nourish the skin and give it a natural look and feel. Being a trans-dermal oil means emu oils will reach deep into the skin to deliver the essential fatty acids and to moisturize the skin. The oil will not only improve the appearance of your skin but also relieve itchiness, discomfort and redness which is associated with a range of skin conditions.

Alleviate psoriasis and eczema

More than 7.5 million Americans suffer from Psoriasis while 35 million suffer from eczema. These conditions can be very painful, frustrating and discomforting. Bearing in mind there is no official cure for eczema or Psoriasis, finding a treatment that treats the symptoms effectively has always been the focus of persons diagnosed with these conditions.

The good news is that emu oil products have proven to be remarkable source of treatment for millions of people with psoriasis and eczema. When applied to the affected skin, the oil helps alleviate the throbbing, nagging pain which is associated with these skin conditions. Emu oils have natural anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, the nutrients in emu oil helps tone down the itchiness, redness and discomfort. The oil reduces the chances of cracking, peeling or wounding of the skin.

Other popular uses of emu oil include hair and nail treatment, effective as an anti-aging solution and helps scrapes, burns and cuts heal. Always ensure you buy the oil from a reputable manufacturer and distributor.

Emu Oil Uses