Treat Eczema and Get Younger Looking Skin with Emu Oil

Also referred to as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a prevalent skin condition that affects close to one in every ten people in the United States. Luckily, there are many treatment options available to help manage eczema symptoms. People are turning to natural remedies. One of the most promising options is the use of emu oil. The oil helps treat the symptoms and will help you get younger looking skin at the same time. The best thing is the oil is all-natural and doesn’t have side effects, as is the case with synthetic products like steroid cream. In addition, the oil doesn’t have withdrawal side effects.

As you may already know, emu oil is extracted from the fat of an emu. This is a bird native to Australia. In raw form, the fat of an emu contains essential fatty acids. The oil is rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid. Many benefits come with using emu oils. You will get younger looking skin because, in addition to treating the symptoms of eczema, the oil helps with the following:

  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Serves as a natural guard against the elements
  • Improves healing
  • Triggers the production of healthy skin cells
  • Repels bugs and minimizes triggers

Anti-inflammatory benefits

The main issue brought by eczema is skin inflammation. The condition causes the immune system to send inflammatory signals to your skin surface. These signals are what cause rashes and irritation. The essential fatty acids in emu oil help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

Natural moisturizer

Eczema mostly causes the skin to dry up. This leads to itching and can cause lichen simplex chronicus, which is a condition caused by excessive scratching of dry skin patches. The regular use of emu oil helps the skin lock in moisture and helps the skin heal better and become smooth.

Protects against the elements

Emu oils are non-comedogenic. This means it doesn’t clog the skin pores. The oil works as a sealant that locks in moisture. This reduces the impact of exposure to such elements as UV rays. The oil is also effective in healing sun damage. In addition to this, pure emu oil will help:

  • Relieve the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis
  • Reduce the effects of Lichen Sclerosus
  • Trigger the growth of healthy hair follicles
  • Relieve radiation burns as well as skin damage resulting from chemotherapy
  • Enhance the effectiveness of other skincare products by improving skin absorption
  • Provide aftercare for tattoos and piercings
  • Reduce breast sensitivity experienced by breastfeeding mothers

With the regular use of emu oil, you will get visibly younger-looking skin. In addition, the oil further improves eczema by soothing the symptoms and triggering the growth of healthy skin cells. However, the rule of thumb is to only use pure emu oil from a reputable manufacturer and distributor.

Get Younger Looking Skin


Get Younger Looking Skin with Emu Oil

Do you want to get younger looking skin? If yes, one of the products you should start using is emu oil. This oil has been used in Aboriginal culture since time immemorial and is loved all over the world because of its ability to deeply hydrate, soothe and soften the skin.

As you may already know, emu oil comes from the fat of an emu. This is a large flightless bird layered for its meat and fat. For centuries, Aboriginal culture used emu oil to treat wounds and a range of health conditions. The oil is so effective because it is absorbed into the skin faster and deeper. The oil acts as a magnet that keeps the skin moisturized and baby soft. It is thus the best product you will find on the market if you want to get younger looking skin. The benefits it offers can be attributed to the high levels of omega fatty acids, antioxidants and oleic acid that the oil contains.

Dermatologist Corey L. Hartman, MD and the founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham says emu oil is great for soothing inflammation, keeping the skin hydrated and preventing damage from free radicals.

Which skin type is perfect for emu oil?

According to Dr. Hartman, while emu oil is safe for use on most skin types, it is most beneficial for persons with skin that is dry or inflamed. This is because the oil is a great moisturizer. What this means is that persons that have eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis will benefit the most from emu oils. Dr. Hartman further added that due to the thick, oily consistency, the oil is not perfect for persons prone to acne or those with an oil skin. Persons that have allergies to animals should also reconsider using this oil.

How to apply emu oil

When applying emu oil on the skin, you have several options. The most common method is using emu oil as a sealant. After applying a cleanser, treatment, serum or moisturizer, you can then apply emu oil to lock the hydration in. It is, also perfectly okay to apply this oil directly on the skin or combine it with your favorite cream.

If you need a solution to hydrate, soothe and soften your skin, emu oil will be a great choice. Its working further makes it the perfect choice when you want to get younger looking skin. You must, however, be careful where you buy the oil from. Manufacturers use different method in refining their oil and some will add ingredients that may end up hurting you. Know how an oil is refined and only stick with reputable manufacturers and distributors.

Get Younger Looking Skin