Why Should You Buy Emu Oil to Help Look Younger?

You may have already done your research on this dazzling yellow fluid extracted from the fat of an emu. But did you know that the regular use of emu oil can help look younger? If you didn’t, now you do. But how exactly does it achieve that? Let’s take a quick look at the key reasons why you should start using emu oils today to help you look younger.

Stimulates the skin

One of the reasons our skin stop glowing is because it gets dehydrated. When this happens, the skin loses its rigidity and starts to form wrinkles. This is the primary cause of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. The regular use of emu oil will help look younger by locking in more moisture. This will make the skin less inclined to break or dry out. As a result of this, the oil will help reduce skin damage.

Emu oil penetrates deep through the skin layers. As a result, it gives absorbable attribute to various mixtures when combined. This explains why most lotions contain emu oil.

Another benefit is the fact that the oil helps increase the number of healthy skin cells. This is because it triggers the production of new skin cells. It is for this reason that emu oils are so effective in helping scars heal better. The production of healthy skin cells further reduces the appearance of wrinkles and restores damaged skin. it is for this reason that emu oil is recommended for the treatment of various skin conditions including seborrheic dermatitis and skin wounds. It also helps shingles, hypopigmentation and alopecia.

Help nails and hair growth

Is your hairline receding? If your hair is not as full as it used to, you will benefit from the use of emu oil. Adding emu oil to a few drops of peppermint oil and applying it to the scalp will help with hair growth. Studies done on mice found that the use of emu oils helped with the regeneration of hair follicles. Applying emu oil on your scalp and taking it orally will improve the wellbeing of your hair and nails. The oil improves hair thickness and combats the issue of fragile hair and nails. Keep in mind that the results are not instant. It takes time to see results and you must use the oil consistently to see positive results.

Remove scars

Emu oil can help reduce the appearance of scars. The oil will help scars heal better as well as increase hair follicles in an injured area, offer defensive advantages from scarring, ease up age spots as well as reduce skin inflammation scars.

Help Look Younger


Emu Oil Aromatherapy to Help Look Younger

Did you know emu oil aromatherapy can help look younger? This is because pure emu oil is a great carrier for aromatherapy essential oils. The oils ability to penetrate deep through the skin layers not only delivers anti-inflammatory properties where they are needed but also offers the many natural benefits of essential oils. In this post we shall be taking a look at three wellness boosting blends you can use at home.

A Blend for Before Bed

There is nothing better than being able to relax and have a deeper sleep. If it has been awhile since you experienced this, here are a few blends of essential oils that can help you.


  • 50 ml pure emu oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops chamomile essential oil

After mixing these oils, apply a few drops on the temples, wrists and feet. Do this before bed. The soothing blend will help you relax the mind and promote better night sleep. This will help look younger.

Refreshing Muscular Rub

After a long day at work or after a workout at the gym, you might feel fatigued. You may even experience muscle and joint pain. The good thing is that you can relieve this discomfort with a few drops of pure emu oil. Here is how to make a refreshing muscular rub.


  • 50 ml pure emu oil
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 5 drops grapefruit essential oil

Combining the restorative powers of eucalyptus and cool peppermint will help relief muscle and joint pain. The role of emu oil in this combination is to carry the restorative powers of the other oils deep through the skin layers. Emu oil will also offer remarkable anti-inflammatory relief. To reinvigorate the tired muscles, you can use a refreshing citrus scent. You can use this super blend of oils on your back, legs, and wherever you have sore muscles. You just need to rub a few drops into the affected areas.

Stress Relief Serum

Stress can make you look older. Finding a solution that helps relief stress will without a doubt help look younger. Here is a blend that will help.


  • 50 ml pure emu oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops sandalwood essential oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the best natural stress relief oils. It has a traditional soothing scent. When it is combined with citrus, the blend will help relax the tense muscles. Earthy sandalwood oil will on the other hand uplift your mood. You can use this blend to massage your shoulders and back. You will feel the tension melt. You can also add the mix in your bath water.

Whether your goal is to relieve muscle tension or to help look younger, these emu oil aromatherapies will help. You, however, need to use pure oils.

Help Look Younger