Have you ever used emu oils? If you haven’t, you are missing out on a lot. This is oil extracted from the fat of an emu. An emu is a flightless bird native to Australia. Its oil has been used for thousands of years by native Australians mostly on the skin to offer sun and wind protection. Over the years, the uses of this oil have increased. You will be able to find emu oil capsules today that you can swallow to improve digestion and offer several other health benefits. If you haven’t used this oil, you should reconsider. Here are the top reasons why you need to start using it.
It is non-comedogenic
This is without a doubt one of the main reasons why you should consider using emu oils often. Being non-comedogenic means that once it is applied on your skin, it will not clog the pores. This means your skin will be able to breathe easily while enjoying the benefits of applying this oil. This makes it ideal for persons with allergies. However, to enjoy these benefits, you must stick with pure emu oil which is also odorless and will not stain your clothing, bedding, hats, scarfs or towels.
It is better than mineral oils
A scientific study titled ”Moisturizing and Cosmetic Properties of Emu Oil” found that emu oil is more effective than mineral oils. The study investigated the use of this oil on the skin on 11 participants who lived in Texas. In the study, emu oil was compared to mineral oil as a lubricant and an emulsifier. The study was performed as a double-blind study where the participants had healthy skin. In the study, neither the participants nor the researchers knew which participant were being studied and which one was the control group. Participants were screened for conditions like acne and eczema and were asked to stop using other topical agents. At the end of the study, most of the participants that were using emu oil have better skin improvement in terms of texture and moisture levels than those that were using mineral oils.
It has numerous health benefits
The American Emu Association was formed back in 1989. Its objective is to promote public awareness on the use of emu oil products as well as fostering research. The non-profit organization supports numerous claims that emu oils lower cholesterol, offer anti-inflammatory properties and are completely non-comedogenic. It is also believed that applying emu oil on the scalp can help hair growth.
While there are so many reasons why you should use emu oil, it is always good to stick with pure oils. Be careful where you purchase your oils from. Some manufacturers use additives that may end up harming you. You also need to consult your doctor if you are trying to treat a health problem using emu oils.