If you are into any sport, there is a good chance you experience pain after a game or training. In the past, your best solution was to take painkillers or use other expensive pain-relief methods. Today, you can use emu oil for sports pain relief. The best thing about this oil is that it is all-natural and doesn’t have any side effects. It can be used by persons with sensitive skin. You can also use it together with your other pain relief remedies without the risk of side effects.
Clinical studies have shown that emu oil has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties when used topically. One of the studies that prove the efficacy of emu oils in pain relief was done by Dr. Whitehouse and Ghosh in Australia. In a period of 14 days, 11 participants with chronic pain as a result of arthritis, joint swelling and bone abrasion applied emu oil on their joints. The results were amazing. Within 14 days, the use of emu oil had eliminated inflammation caused by arthritis joint swelling as well as bone abrasion as a result of lack of cartilage. None of the patients experienced pain in their bones after the 14 days of topical application. The oil did not just mask the pain but also reduce inflammation which lowered the risk of further damage to the scar tissues. This led to improved mobility and better performance during everyday activities.
The above study shows why emu oil for sports pain is a great idea. Even if you have sensitive skin or have allergies, you can massage pure emu oils on your injured muscles or joints at least two times a day. You will start noticing positive results from chronic pain within 7 to 11 days. The key is to be consistent and only stick with pure emu oil.
Studies have also found that combining the oil with other pain and anti-inflammatory ingredients leads to more effective results. When combined with other medications, the trans-dermal abilities of emu oils help the medication to penetrate deep through the skin layers to the affected muscles, cartilages and joints. This leads to more effective results.
You can combine the oil with mint or pepper plants. That way, the mint/pepper plant will override the nerve signals to the brain thus offering almost immediate pain relief. You will feel warmth or coolness instead of pain. While the results are not long-term, they are great for alleviating pain from injuries. Emu oil, on the other hand, will increase blood flow which helps remove toxins and other waste materials from the injured site. Emu oil will also reduce inflammation and offer nutrient and oxygen that leads to the growth of healthy cells.
The important thing you must do is to watch the content in the emu oil. Some manufacturers add ingredients that may harm you. Others reduce the percentage of emu oil to as little as 5%. This leads to inefficiency.