Additional Benefits of Consuming Emu Oils

The benefits of taking emu oils are innumerable. To be able to cover them more effectively, you need to look at specific fatty acids that the oil contains. In this post, we will be looking at the additional benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids that emu oil is rich in.

Reduces symptoms of ADHD

Emu oils are all natural. They are extracted from the fat of an emu. This is a flightless bird that is native to Australia. Being all-natural means it is safe for kids. If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you can improve his or her condition by adding 100% pure emu oil to their diet.

Studies have shown that children with ADHD have low blood levels of Omega-3 fatty acids when compared with that of healthy children. There are also many studies that have found that omega-3 supplements reduce the symptoms of ADHD. The essential fatty acids improve inattention and task completion in children with ADHD. They also help reduce impulsiveness, hyperactivity, aggression and restlessness.

Reduce symptoms of Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a variety of condition that includes central obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, and insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome is a serious health concern because it increases the risk of numerous illnesses including diabetes and heart disease. Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to improve inflammation and insulin resistance. It has also been found to improve the heart disease risk factors in persons with metabolic syndrome. Simply put, persons with metabolic syndrome enjoy numerous benefits from taking emu oils.

Fight inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s way of responding to damage and infections in the body. It is important for good health. However, inflammation may persist for longer, even without the injury or infection. This is referred to as long-term or chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to chronic western illness which includes cancer and heart disease.

The best thing about emu oil is that it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which have been found to reduce the production of substances and molecules that cause inflammation. Studies have found a link between omega-3 intake and a reduction in inflammation.

Fight autoimmune diseases

An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign cells. A prime example I Type 1 diabetes where the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Omega-3 has been found to combat some autoimmune diseases. It is particularly important in early life. Getting adequate omega-3s in the first year of life has been found to reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.

There are many more benefits of Omega-3s in the body. You can get them from 100% pure emu oil. Be careful where you buy your emu oils from. Not all manufacturers offer products that are made using pure emu oil.

Emu Oils


What Can the Omega 9 in Emu Oils Do for You?

There has been a lot of talk about the benefits of emu oils. Some claims have been proven scientifically. One fact that remains is that emu oil is rich in essential fatty acids. It is rich in Omega 9. This has already been scientifically proven. So what can this essential fatty acid do for you?

Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke

Researchers have found that Omega-9 fatty acids help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as stroke. This is because these fatty acids increase good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). By doing this, emu oils are able to eliminate the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Needless to say, the buildup of plaque in the arteries is the root cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Increase energy

Low energy can cause you to be irritable. The good thing is that Omega-9, found in emu oil helps increase energy which in turn reduces anger and enhances mood. This was confirmed by a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study concluded that the types of fats we eat impacted our cognitive function. The study further found that taking Omega-9 increased physical activity, availability of more energy as well as lessened anger. If you feel exhausted and irritable, you can boost your energy using omega 9. The good thing is emu oils are rich in Omega-9s.

Benefit persons with Alzheimer’s

The omega-9 fatty acid has been found to normalize the accumulation of long-chain fatty acids in the brain of people suffering from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). This is a genetic disorder that affects the adrenal glands, nervous system and spinal cord. It is possible that emu oil enhances cognitive function thus enhancing memory impairment. According to a study that was published in the Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, it was found that omega 9 may be a therapeutic agent for diseases that are associated with cognitive deficits like Alzheimer’s disease. This means using emu oil supplements can improve cognitive function thanks to the benefits offered by Omega 9.

There are many benefits that come with using emu oil. In this post, we have only looked at the benefits associated with omega-9 fatty acids. However, for you to get the most benefits, you need to make sure that you purchase emu oils from a reputable manufacturer and distributor. Emu blue is one of the best emu oil products on the market.

Emu Oils


Improve Skin Appearance – Benefits of Using Emu Oil to Treat Red Skin Syndrome

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a condition that causes the skin to turn red and become itchy. This condition is common in children but can occur to anyone regardless of age. The condition is chronic and tends to flare from time to time. That is why you should find a reliable treatment to manage this condition. Emu oil has proven to be one of the most reliable remedies to help you improve skin appearance when you have atopic dermatitis.

The main treatment for eczema is the use of topical steroids. The issue, however, is that the use of topical steroids leads to various medical conditions such as red skin syndrome. It is for this reason that more people are opting for gentler treatments like emu oils to treat eczema and improve skin appearance.

What is red skin syndrome?

Red skin syndrome is a condition that results from the extended use of topical steroids. Over time, your steroid medication stops treating atopic dermatitis. This results in the skin turning red and having burns. Over time, rashes will appear. This worsening of the skin condition is not caused by eczema but by the topical steroids you have been using. The redness is caused by an increase in blood nitric oxide levels. The nitric oxide will widen blood vessels and increase the flow of blood to the skin. This causes the skin to turn red. Paired with rashes, this effect becomes red skin syndrome.

Other side effects of long-term use of topical steroids include:

  • Gradual resistance to the treatment as the skin develops tolerance and becomes addicted to the steroid. Patients have to gradually increase the dose in order to see the positive results of topical steroids.
  • Topical steroid withdrawal syndrome results from trying to stop using topical corticosteroids.

Symptoms of the red skin syndrome

  • Worsening rash and an increase in skin redness
  • Severe burn sensation on the skin
  • Dry and crinkling skin
  • Dark pigmentation or skin depigmentation
  • Stripe-looking stretch marks on the skin. These indicate low zinc levels
  • Pimple-like bumps, nodules, and pustules that look like acne
  • Premature skin aging
  • Hair loss/thinning
  • Cracked skin more so on the hands, around the mouth, and lips
  • Recurring skin infections
  • Worsening itch

Using emu oil to treat red skin syndrome

While resuming the use of topical steroids will lessen the symptoms of red skin syndrome, the results will be detrimental in the long run. It can be harmful to stop using topical steroids on your own. Emu oil is the best solution for treating red skin syndrome because it is:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Highly moisturizing
  • Non-comedogenic (it doesn’t clog skin pores)
  • Penetrates deep through all the skin layers

The only catch is not every emu oil product is good for you. To rip the most benefits, you have to make sure the emu oil product you are buying is made of 100% pure emu oil and comes from a reputable manufacturer. Emu oils improve skin appearance because they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Improve Skin Appearance


Emu Oils – Frequently Asked Questions About Tattoo Healing

Getting a new tattoo is a lot of fun. You get to get something of fundamental value written permanently on your skin. However, how well you care for your tattoos will influence how well they look once they heal. So, in addition to finding the best tattoo artist, you need to find the best product for aftercare. One of the most promising remedies is emu oils. This is an oil extracted from the fat of an emu. It is preferred thanks to its healing properties resulting from its high levels of essential fatty acids.

After getting a new tattoo, you must clean the area carefully using hypoallergenic soap and warm water. You need to pat dry with a clean paper towel and always apply a layer of emu oils. The reason for using emu oil is that the oil is rich in linolenic, linoleic, and palmitoleic acids. These essential acids are effective in treating skin inflammation. Patients who use the oil experience less itching and faster healing. The oil also reduces the dryness, redness and pain. This makes emu oil a great alternative to other tattoo aftercare products. It is recommended for people with sensitive skin.

What should you avoid after getting a tattoo?

Even with emu oil speeding up the healing process, after getting a tattoo, you should avoid the following:

  • Covering the new tattoo with a bandage after removing the first one. Your tattoo needs to breathe.
  • Cleaning the area with harsh soap or using a fragrance with harsh chemicals.
  • Touching or scratching the tattoo. This is an open wound and touching or scratching can cause infections or scars.
  • Applying a petroleum-based moisturizer. This will clog the skin pores. To moisturize the area, use emu oil.
  • Exposing the tattooed area to direct sunlight.
  • Swimming or going to the sauna 6 weeks after getting the new tattoo. Wet tattoos do not heal well.

How long does it take for a tattoo to heal?

With proper care, the outer layer of the tattooed skin heals within 2 to 3 weeks. You should, however, continue with the aftercare routine for at least six months. It takes six months for the skin beneath the tattoo to heal completely. Prominent tattoos may take longer to heal. Avoid picking at scabs, as doing so will only prolong healing. Applying a gentle moisturizer like emu oil will help speed up healing and avoid scars.

There are many emu oil products available on the market. Only go for the 100% pure emu oils from reputable manufacturers.

Emu Oils


How to Use Emu Oils to Treat Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is different from other types of thinning hair. It is topical other than patterned. It appears along the scalp where the hair is being tugged or pulled. At first, it may appear like male pattern baldness more so if you wear man ponytails, buns or braids. These hair styles tend to tug the hair along the front and sides of the hairline. Traction alopecia affects both men and women. The best thing is it can be treated using emu oils.

Before you start using emu oils to treat traction alopecia, you need to be certain you are not dealing with another cause of hair loss. If you suspect traction alopecia, the first thing to look for is small bumps on the scalp. Male pattern baldness doesn’t have this. Small bumps will appear at points where the hair is being tugged tightly by your hairstyle. The small bumps will be visible in the front and at the base of hair strands. If the bumps are inflamed, your hair follicles are under too much pressure and that may limit the growth of new hair.

Other signs of traction alopecia include:

  • Blisters or pimples
  • Itchiness, soreness or redness of the skin
  • Flakiness that looks like extreme dandruff
  • Inflammation of hair follicles. This is a medical condition known as folliculitis.

If you are certain the condition is as a result of traction alopecia, the first thing you must do is take a break. You need to avoid hairstyles that strain your hair follicles. Experts recommend giving your hair a break of at least 2 weeks. Giving the hair a break will give the hair follicles and hair room to recover.

Changing your hairstyle every two weeks is also highly recommended. Turn to looser hairstyles. Switch from hair elastics or rubber bands to ribbons, strips of cloth or wrapped hair bands. You should also turn to thick dreads and braids as they put less pressure on hair follicles.

Another thing you must do is avoid harsh chemical hair treatments and heat. Blow dryers, dyes, straighteners and perms will worsen the condition.

Using emu oil

Emu oil is a great natural remedy for traction alopecia because of its high levels of fatty acids more so palmitic acids and linoleic acids. The oil is also rich in vitamin E which helps improve blood circulation to the scalp and follicles. Emu oils also have high antimicrobial and antibacterial properties which prevent infections and improve healing on the scalp and hair follicles.

Emu oil has been proven clinically to be effective in awakening dormant hair follicles. To get the best results, you should apply a few drops of the oil on your clean palm and rub it gently on your scalp section by section. Once you cover all the hair with the oil, cover your hair in a clean towel and allow the oil to rest for at least 5 minutes. Wash your hair using a gentle shampoo then a gentle conditioner. Doing this regularly with pure emu oil will lead to remarkable results when treating traction alopecia.  

Emu Oils


Can Pure Emu Oil Promote a Healthy Brain Function?

Pure emu oil has been confirmed to have numerous health benefits, from reducing inflammation and lowering bad cholesterol levels to healthier skin and hair. But can the regular use of this oil improves brain function?

Most claims about the effectiveness of emu oil are met with a lot of criticism. However, there is plenty of scientific evidence that supports these claims. This is more so when it comes to the effect of the oil on brain functions. The brain’s structure makes a strong case on how using emu oils will improve brain health. Paired with the high level of Omega fatty acids, it is easy to see why the regular use of these oils improves healthy brain development and function.

The brain needs essential fatty acids

The brain is the fattiest organ in the body. It contains more than 60 percent fat. Researchers have found that essential fatty acids are needed to keep the brain at optimal health. The drawback is that your body cannot synthesize the required fatty acids. Instead, you get them from dietary sources. The best sources of essential fatty acids include chia seeds, fish, oysters, walnuts, kidney beans, shrimp, and other sources.

Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3) and linolenic acid (Omega 6) are crucial to your body. They are what helps with the formation of healthy cell membranes, promote proper thyroid and adrenal activity, and produce hormones. They also regulate blood pressure, inflammatory responses, healthy liver function, and help the blood clot properly. The added benefit is that fatty acids keep your hair and skin healthy.

Role of Emu Oils

While essential fatty acid deficiency cases are rare, many Americans rarely get enough. As a result, emu oils are being recommended to fill the nutritional gap. The oil comprises 70% essential fatty acids. This includes Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. Thanks to having multiple fatty acids, this oil is considered better than fish oil which only has Omega-3 fatty acids.

It is also good to note that emu oil has a very high concentration of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). The body uses this energy resource to convert essential fatty acids into prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are tissue-like hormones that control bodily functions on a cellular level.

While research is still being done on the impacts of emu oils on brain functions, the oil is completely harmless, and adding it to your diet is a great thing to do. The most important thing you should do is make sure you only use pure emu oil from a reputable manufacturer/distributor. You also need to take the oil regularly.

Emu Oil


Can Emu Blue Offer Relief for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

You probably have emu blue already in your cabinet. This is a revolutionary product created using emu oil. If you are not familiar with what emu oils are, these are oils extracted from the fat of an emu. An emu is a flightless bird native to Australia. The oil has been in use for hundreds of years. Today, the oil is more refined and available in many forms, including gelcaps.

Now that you know what emu blue is, let’s go back to the original question; can it offer relief for MS symptoms? To better answer this question, you need first to understand what MS is.

A quick overview of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that causes severe pain and affects the brain’s performance. This disease typically attacks the myelin (protective sheath) around the nerve fibers. This leads to communication problems throughout the body. Over time, these attacks may lead to permanent nerve damage and physical disabilities. The effects of MS vary from one person to the other. Some people may lose their ability to walk while others may stay in remission for years without any new effects.

There is no known cure for MS. However, the symptoms can be treated to speed up recovery from the attacks. Treating the symptoms also helps improve a patient’s qualify of life.

What causes Multiple Sclerosis?

It is still unclear what causes MS. However, some factors heighten an individual’s risk for contracting this disease. They include the following:

  • Age. The disease can develop in people between the ages of 16 and 55.
  • Sex. Women have a higher risk of getting MS than men.
  • Family history. If someone in the family has MS, you are at a higher risk of developing it.
  • Viral infections. Some viruses have been linked to MS. These include the Epstein-Bar virus; a virus that causes mononucleosis.
  • Vitamin D deficiency. Low exposure to sunlight or low Vitamin D levels increase the risk of developing MS.
  • Other autoimmune diseases. Thyroid disease, Type I diabetes, or inflammatory bowel disease increase the risk of developing MS.

Using Emu Oil to Treat MS

Emu oil is rich in Omega fatty acid chain. This is essential for persons with MS. Omega 7 and Omega 9 help lower bad cholesterol and reduce inflammation. Studies have found that high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol increase the risk of developing disability and pain-inducing inflammation in persons with MS. Research has further found that MS symptoms reduce when LDL levels are lowered.

While emu oils offer great results in treating MS symptoms, you must be careful where you buy your oil from. Ensure the oil you use is 100% pure and from a reputable manufacturer and distributor.

Emu Blue


Little Known Uses of Emu Oils

There are many known uses of emu oils. They range from treating eczema and psoriasis to improving digestive health to reducing joint pain. But did you know that using this oil on a daily basis can help with weight loss, relieve arthritis pain and offer myriad other benefits? In this post, we will be looking at the less known benefits of using emu oil.


Treating Rosacea

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes flushing or blushing and visible blood vessels in the face. it often produces tiny, pus-filled bumps too. These symptoms can flare up for weeks or even months then go away. If you have this condition, you will benefit from the use of emu oils. The oil helps with the moisture and provides bio-nutrients that rejuvenate the skin. The oil also reduces inflammation and redness significantly. This helps the skin to breathe. It also increases blood flow as well as cell permeability which eliminates toxins and improves oxygen levels in the cells. Consequently, the oil helps flush out and drain the inflammation from skin tissues.



Treat psoriasis

This is a skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches. It is common on the elbows, knees, scalp and trunk. This is a long-term disease that has no cure. It goes through cycles of flare-ups which may last weeks or months. When this happens, you can use emu oil to help soothe the affected areas as well as reduce the dryness that comes with skin build-up. The regular use of the oil helps normalize the growth of skin cells and prevents the growth of excess skin cells which are the cause of plaques on the skin.



Treat pets

Humans are not the only people that benefit from emu oil. If you have pets, they too can benefit from the oil. The oil is used to treat pets that are suffering from bruising, joint stiffness, swelling and other forms of pain. You can administer the oil topically to treat visible skin problems or add it to the food. Horses too can benefit from the oil when treating joint inflammation and wounds.



Treat cold sores

Also known as fever blisters, these are clustered, small, fluid-filled blisters around the lips. Emu oil treats cold sores by reducing inflammation, preventing infections and by serving as a moisturizer.



Treat toenail fungus

Toe fungi are common conditions that start with yellow or white spots under the tip of the toenail or fingernail. They are caused by fungal infections. They can be treated with emu oil. The oil slowly eradicates the fungal infection.


There are many more uses of emu oils. To get the best results, make sure you apply the oil regularly. You also need to ensure you only use pure emu oil from a reputable manufacturer and buy from a reputable distributor.

Emu Oils


Why You Should Have Emu Oils for Springtime

While it is a beautiful time with the sun shining and flowers blooming, spring usually comes with allergies. You don’t want the allergies to put you down, do you? Off course not. That is why you need a remedy that keeps you healthy throughout this amazing season. Emu oils have proven to be the perfect companion for springtime. Here are the four main reasons why you should consider getting a bottle of 100% pure emu oil for spring.


What you might not already know is that emu oils offer an extra layer of sun protection. With the sun bringing high risks of skin damage, using emu oil alone or with your favorite sunscreen will offer an extra layer of protection. You should apply the oil underneath your regular sunscreen. That way you will have an extra layer of defense from the sun. While this oil should not be used as a replacement for sunscreen, it offers an added layer of protection for the skin mostly against dehydration caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. The oil is great for households that are concerned about the chemicals in regular sunscreens. Emu oil will also help scars from sunburns heal better.

Ease itching from insect bites

It is not only humans that come out to play in spring, bugs too enjoy the great weather. The best thing about using emu oil is that it repels some bugs and insects. Therefore, as you leave the house to go have fun outdoors, it is good to apply some of this oil on your skin. doing so will help repel mosquitoes and other bugs. This is the main way the oil was used by native Australians thousands of years ago; to repel bugs. If you get bit, you can soothe the skin by apply a little oil on the bite site. The anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties of the oil will help you get relief.

Boost resistance to allergies

If you are prone to allergies, there is a chance they flare up during springtime. Transition from cold to warmer weather often triggers seasonal allergies. These are known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever. If your immune system overreacts to allergens such as plant pollen, you will experience itching, congestion and sneezing. Emu oil can give some relief. Add a spoonful of the oil in your diet to help alleviate the symptoms such as eye-watering and nose-dripping.

Reduce the flare ups of rheumatoid arthritis

Most people with Rheumatoid Arthritis report that they experience flare ups during spring. You can use emu oils to manage the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in the oil reduce inflammation and muscle/joint pain. You can use the oil both topically and internally.

Emu Oils


Why Should You Buy Emu Oils?

Extracted from the fat of an emu, emu oils have amassed immense popularity across the globe. This is all thanks to the fact that they have been proven to work and they pose little to no side effects. Advances in the refinery of these oils has led to the development of emu oil capsules which can be ingested to offer myriad health benefits including boosting the immune system, improving bone and heart health, reducing pain among other benefits. But why should you really buy these oils if you are healthy?

Moisturize your skin

You don’t need to have a health condition to benefit from emu oils. Anybody can purchase and use emu oil on a daily basis. When applied on the skin, the oil does a great job improving hydration as well as preventing water loss. It is for this reason why there has been an increase in the number of lotions that contain emu oil. Having emu oil as a base helps the oil to penetrate and help the skin look better. Studies have further shown that emu oil has fewer side effects for persons with eczema and dermatitis.

Lower bad cholesterol

Over the years, the regular use of emu oil has been proven to reduce obesity. If you are afraid of becoming obese or are dealing with this condition, you will benefit a lot from this oil. It is the perfect replacement for fish oil. If you are sensitive to seafood, you can simply start using emu oil capsules. While there is not a lot of research on the effect of emu oil on cholesterol and weight loss, there is a lot of evidence on the effectiveness of fatty acids. Emu oil is made up of 70% fatty acids.

Combat aging

Emu oils have remarkable effects on the production of collagen. This is the compound that keeps the skin plump, elastic as well as wrinkle-free. The oil also contains antioxidant properties that remarkably target the effects of aging which are caused by oxidative stress. A 2015 study found that treating the skin with emu oil, caffeine and vitamin K helped reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, improved skin elasticity and reduced the appearance of wrinkles.

Reduce inflammation

The fatty acids contained in emu oil lead to better digestive health. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil further help benefit gastrointestinal diseases like inflammatory bowel disease. Taking emu oils orally further benefits gastric emptying, absorptive function, and intestinal transit. It also decreases joint and bowel inflammation.

There are many more benefits of using emu oil including improving the healing of wounds and scars, reducing nipple sensitivity, repelling bugs and helping hair and nail growth. The key is to only go for pure emu oil from reputable manufacturers and distributors.

Emu Oils